Here you’ll find specific instances where we’ve helped our clients—out of a tough situation— and into the best deal

Example #1: Not bringing the Formulary to the Pharmacy!

“A client called me, late on a Wednesday afternoon—in tears—because she got to the pharmacy to pick up her eye drops, and learned that they were $963. The drops were for surgery that was scheduled for Friday.  I pulled my car over, and asked if she had remembered to take her Formulary, (her drug plan’s list of covered medications) to her appointment with her doctor, and she said she had forgotten. Not knowing what drug plan she had, and not knowing if the drops were even covered by her plan, her doctor just wrote out a script and handed it to her, and then at the pharmacy, she finds out that it wasn’t covered. THIS IS PRECISELY why I tell all my clients to make sure they take their Formulary when seeing a doctor.  

I opened up a copy of her plans Formulary and called her doctor for her, and gave the receptionist five alternative drops that WERE in her plan, and asked that they call in the script to the pharmacy.